Towards a Healthier You

Many of us turn to drugs and medication whenever we are feeling unwell. In order to relieve us of any pain or discomfort. This is however misguided. Our body has no means to communicate with us other than through the sensation of pain when the body's cellulat structure, organs or nervous system is impaired. Pain is a protective mechanism that is triggered when the body is impaired and more attention has to be paid to it. It is a common misconception to take painkillers to stop the pain, but it does not remove the source of the pain.

During the course of taking Fit Solution, there may be reactions that are strong and unpleasant, especially when the cells are in renewal or function-activation phase while the immunity cells are enhanced and increased. This is the reaction of the body performing self-repair and detoxification and it is known as the "Therapeutic Responsive Vertigo". This is one of the protective reactions that the body produces in order t achieve a healthy and natural status.

According to Ginger Chalford, Ph. D, our bodies have the desire to improve overall health condition and also the ability to perform self-recovery. The objective of the entire health response is to eliminate toxins and waste so that the body return to balanced state. For example, a cup of water with sand will be clear after allowing the sand to settle at the bottle of the cup, the water will turn muddy again during the course of removing the sand from the cup. This is similar to the reactions generated by the body during the detoxification phase of the entire health response. The body has to go through several stages of entire health response, releasing more toxins and wastes before the body gradually restore to its healthy state.

Constantine Hering, MD (1800-1880) discovered and published the "Hering's Law of Cure" theory states that the entire health reactions occur in three basic forms:
  1. Healing starts from the inside to the outside of the body, i.e. from the internal organs to the skin and limbs.
  2. While some of the symptoms of the entire health response can be very serious, they will gradually disappear as the body improves.
  3. The healing process covers the whole body, from the head to the toes.

Initially, the symptoms of the entire health response are similar to that from a recovery from illness, with the most significant difference being the "Purge" process. Patients with chronic illnesses may see the purge process more evidently, including several phases of the entire health response, during the recovery of the body. During the entire health response, the body will mend and reinforce the internal organs while detoxifying. Some of the symptoms from the entire health response include:
  • Drowsiness or Fatigue
  • Inflammation
  • Vomiting
  • Flu Symptoms
  • Cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • Fever
  • Skin Rash
  • Pain
  • Urinary Frequency
  • Body Detoxification or other detoxification reactions.

From the moment you start taking Fit Solution, your cells will start to rejuvenate and get re-energized. Once the cells are energized to certain level, the entire health response will kick in and start the self-repair process. A likely schedule of self-repair is as seen below:

Week 1 (Nutrition Replenishment Phase)
  • By taking a complete and balanced supply of nutrition to provide for the human cells, the body system is able to re-adjust and increase the metabolism. The improvements that can be seen include improved alertness, improved stamina, elimination of tiredness and rejuvenating of skin complexion.
Week 2 - 4 (Increased Metabolism and Detoxification Phase)
  • Detoxification is the first step of cell rejuvenation. To achieve the effect of non-medication recovery, much is dependent on the self-recovery ability of the body to expel the toxins and waste from the body. Toxins in the blood can cause damages to the organs performing the filtration and purging process. These toxins are often the cause of any illness and in order to restore health, they must be expelled from the body. The detoxification phase may involve an increase in frequency of defecation, darkening of urine, itchy skin, increased coughing and phlegm. Some even developed flu-like symptoms like runny nose, sore throat or loss of voice. Women with metabolic disorders that affects their menstrual cycles may experience extended menstrual period, increase in menstrual discharge and in rare occasions, even temporary stopping of menstruation.
Week 5 - 6 (Improved Blood Circulation and Pain Phase)
  • When the body cells have been rejuvenated, they are able to improve the blood circulation throughout the body. When the blood flow is trying to push through regions that are injured, they can cause the areas to feel sore or even pain. Past injuries will feel painful again while the system is trying to repair the blood circulation through the area. The soreness or pain can last from days to weeks, depending on the severity of the injury.
Week 7 - 12 (Cell Regeneration Phase)
  • The human body has the natural ability of self-repair by regenerating new cells when it is supplied with the necessary nutrients. This is important in order to replace the damaged cells in the different areas of the body. The regeneration of new cells requires a large amount of nutrients and oxygen and so it is common to feel lethargic and fatigue. However, it is only a temporary occurrence.
The four phases mentioned above are natural reactions of the complete element activation of the body cells, and is termed as "Therapeutic Responsive Vertigo". (Others termed it as "Healing Crisis".)

In Conclusion

During the course of taking the complete and balanced element activating health supplement, you body may develop bodily reactions that may tempt you to give up or stop consumption. But these are only temporary reactions that occur while your body is regenerating new cells to replace the damaged ones. Within 90 days, you will be able to feel and see significant positive changes to your health and that is the start to a healthier body and life. This is the perfect health that you have been searching for !

The Therapeutic Responsive Vertigo is not a side effect but physical change in the body (change from acidic condition to a slightly alkaline condition of pH 7.35). The detoxification symptoms show that the regeneration and rejuvenation works are in progress in areas of the body, the start of the repair process towards the strengthening of the body cell structure.

During the Therapeutic Responsive Vertigo, detoxification may repeat many times. As the body improves and the system is strengthened, the ability to detoxify also improves to expel more toxins and wastes from the body. As such, a minimum period of 90 days is recommended in order to see improvements in the body and after 6 months of self-repair, you will be able to see obvious improvements in mental and physical condition of the body.

Importance of the first 90 days of consumption:

After 30 days:
  • Cells are replenished with the essential nutrients, minerals and oxygen. Toxins and wastes are metabolized and expelled. Improved blood circulation and energy level.
After 90 days:
  • Stomach and intestines are rejuvenated and better absorption capability to absorb nutrients from diet. Improvements to the basic body functions.
Continuous Consumption:
  • More cellular energy to improve the internal body condition, delaying of ageing process and more rejuvenated appearance of 5 - 10 years less than actual age.